星期一, 6月 30, 2008




Britishhongkong會員Sam Fan的要求好簡單,就係為了保障IET會員中BN(O)持有人,有平等權利在英國就業,要求IET支持BN(O)平權運動。作為業界組織,任何能夠令會員易於謀生的主張都要支持,這是基本責任。如果可以令香港IET會員中的BN(O)持有人,成為英國公民,那不只開拓英國的機會,而是整個歐洲的機會,但有兩件膠人,作出乜嘢擺明為咗親中的自相矛盾回應:

膠人一: Justina C Ho,Honorary Secretary
「“British territories” is very different from “British colonies”. Hong Kong is never part of British territories, and Hong Kong people are never born to be British nationals. Born in Hong Kong, raised in two ex-British colonies (including Hong Kong and Canada), holding a British law degree, and having many great friends in the UK, I have not for one single moment considered myself British」
(批語:身為專業人士,唔識法律,BN(O)係British National嚟,睇番本護照至好發膠音)

「Officers of the IET (both UK and HK) recognize and accept that IET membership rate is declining particularly in Hong Kong since the handover, as the British influence is declining locally and internationally. The tactics of the IET may have to do with government policies but not with politics.」

「There has been a misinterpretation of the Freedom of Movement Principle in the EU law. All interested parties can come to me for a detail discussion of the law. In short, the treaties of the EU cannot apply to Hong Kong, and Polish can work in the UK only under certain conditions. They too need work permits.」
(批語:典型亂講,British Citizen在英國就係英國本土人,而且英國人去其他EEA成員,都係拎Residence Permit,唔識唔好發膠音喇,專業組織榮譽秘書」

膠人二:Edward W. LO, Chairman (Session 2007-08), Younger Members Section
「As a person living in 21st century, regardless of working in any field, our vision should be broadened. Sam brought out an example that quite a number of people would like to work in UK. In particular, our colonial history and the background of The IET may enhance our wish to work there. However, UK is not the only place we can go. Even you are talking about British colonies or ex-colonies, there are plenty of opportunities. It is no point to restrict ourselves in one country.」

「Every people have freedom of speech on his/her view. But please make use of the channel properly. The YMS CyberSpace is a platform for communication among YMS Committee Members. If somebody would like express their view other than YMS Operations, it is highly appreciated if the discussion can be made out of the Group.」


如果我見到有IET Young Group的友仔走去支持何鍾泰或者譚偉豪,我實在呢度追斬佢地十條街,咁驚政治嘛,唔該乜人都唔好支持,正膠人嚟。
